An Elevated Perspective

Longfellow Bridge
Connecting Cambridge and Boston

The Longfellow Bridge successfully connects two cities. Why is it successful? Because it does not only accommodate one form of transportation. With the Red line running down the middle, car lanes on either side of the Tram, bike lanes beside those, and pedestrian walkways on the edges of the bridge, all people are welcome to make their way to the other side. The large pool of blue that surrounds this bridge also partakes in this successful interplay; the movement of boats is without much restriction and the arches of the bridge allow the sailors to penetrate through.


A scenic view is provided at all scales- human scale (looking at the water from the T or while biking) and city scale (as an overall master plan). It is rare to find such a case where even public transportation is considered and elevated to such a height. Whether you are a student, professional, wealthy, or not, this bridge levels the playing field, providing a similar experience for all. Clear connections: -Boston and Cambridge -Vehicle and Human -Built and Nature (Water and Greenery- particularly on Bosron’s Esplanade) -Sky and River
