
Religious Center

Our inability to understand and grasp some of life’s greatest questions is frustrating, to say the least. Being in the center of one of the world’s most innovative cities that is constantly searching for answers and hard facts, I took the opportunity to design a sacred space that embraces the unknown. Mystery is a word directly related to the very essence of faith. It is about coming to terms with the idea that there are unattainable truths- and that is what makes religion beautiful.


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A Beautiful Truth Mystery
Who am I but a wanderer?
A body that refuses the unknown
I will not accept the unexplainable, no one else does, why should I?
They tell me how I am breathing
They tell me why I feel the way I do
But I could yell in frustration at their silence when I ask them “Why?”
Why am I breathing and How?
How am I “feeling”?
Is it a muscle, an organ? It must be my heart
Or perhaps the veins that run through it, I run
Circles in my head but my feet drag through an endless string we call
But it seems rather dreadful
And when I cannot see, when I cannot understand
Life seems dead
Even the people around me serve as nothing more but reminders that I am not alone in being alone
In being silenced by the sheer realization that
No one can offer me a satisfying explanation as to why I am
I am
He said. Tell them “I AM who I AM” (Exodus 3:14)
And His whisper was nothing more than that, a whisper
Yet it was the only thing I could hear
Not because it filled my mind, or heart
But because it filled my soul
Though it was anything but physical my soul was the only thing keeping me keep going
It was how I was alive and He was the reason why I was
My numbness wears away and I begin to use this soul to think
As I link it to my brain
I wire it to touch my heart, my hands, my feet and I can feel
Sharp battles the smooth
I feel warmth silence the wind, and I feel the hurt leave me
The war between my body and soul is externalized and it seems to go on
Memories spill and join my sins as they dance on these concrete walls trying to escape them
Trying to escape                                      Meconceptual-sketch
I shut my eyes quickly to beg for peace and to lock out the darkness that has surrounded every inch of my body
I hear a chorus stop and start and stop and
Every time the string is struck, every time a rain drip drops
The more I want to follow Him and leave my body and my past behind
The more I want to forget that… Forget… That…
And then “The Angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as a crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city” (Revelation 22: 1-2)
I am alive again

